Pre-Enrollment Form
Please complete the Online Pre-Enrollment Form. When enrolling multiple children, please complete a separate pre-enrollment form for each child. We will add your name to our waiting list according to the date on which we receive your form. IMPORTANT: A telephone contact alone is not sufficient to put your name on our waiting list. We must receive the online pre-application form.
Enrollment Meeting
An appointment will be made to talk to you about the program and fees. At this time you will also complete all the necessary paperwork. There is a $25.00 Enrollment Fee required per family. The enrollment fee must be paid during the enrollment meeting, or your child(ren)'s enrollment will not be processed.
Fee Agreement
Fees vary according to the age of the child and the type of service requested. They are set by the Board of Directors and are subject to change with TWO WEEKS NOTICE. You may view our current fees, effective April 5, 2021, on our Tuition Schedule. All parents will be required to sign a Fee Agreement contract.
Security Deposit
An initial security deposit which is equal to one full week's fee, will be due on the first day of service. The initial deposit will be applied to the last week of service, provided the requirements of the Withdrawal Policy have been followed (see below).
Child Care Subsidy
Your family may qualify for help paying for your child care. For information on the subsidized child care funded by the Department of Human Services visit www.compass.state.pa.us and click on Child Care Works. Information is available locally at the Early Learning Resource office at 986 Wall Street, Danville, or call 570-271-9550.
Admission into the Child Care Centers of Columbia Child Development Program shall be governed by the following guidelines:
- The program will admit children without regard to race, color, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, sex or age as long as the child's age is appropriate for the service request.
- The Program prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps or disabilities. Children with special needs are admitted as long as they can be served within existing staff-child ratios. A review process is in place to ensure a fair assessment of the program's ability to care for a child.
- Admission will be without regard to the payment source of parent fees.
- If there are no openings in the appropriate group or center, a waiting list shall be maintained. A child's place on the waiting list will be determined by the date the program receives a completed pre-application form, except for the priorities listed below:
- 1st priority will be given to children needing 5 day care with a sibling already enrolled in the program.
- 2nd priority will be given to children needing 5 day care.
1. The security deposit and enrollment fee must be paid in full before the first day of service begins.
2. The required weekly fee must be paid in full on the first day of each service week.
3. The full tuition fee will be paid each week a child is enrolled, regardless of whether child attends or is absent.
4. Tuition fees are due on the first day of the service week (usually Monday). If the fee is not paid by the end of
the last day of the service week, it is delinquent. Delinquent accounts will receive written notification of
termination from the program.
5. A notification of termination from the program will state the date that services will end unless the delinquent
balance plus any accrued fees are paid in full. To report a billing error, or to make arrangements for payment
the parent/guardian must contact the fiscal office of Columbia Child Development Program 570-784-8618.
6. If a child is terminated because of non-payment of fees, the full balance due must be paid in full before the
parent/guardian can reenroll the child(ren).
7. If terminated for delinquent fees, client is responsible for all costs associated with collection of said delinquent
8. Full tuition will be charged regardless of facility closures.
2. The required weekly fee must be paid in full on the first day of each service week.
3. The full tuition fee will be paid each week a child is enrolled, regardless of whether child attends or is absent.
4. Tuition fees are due on the first day of the service week (usually Monday). If the fee is not paid by the end of
the last day of the service week, it is delinquent. Delinquent accounts will receive written notification of
termination from the program.
5. A notification of termination from the program will state the date that services will end unless the delinquent
balance plus any accrued fees are paid in full. To report a billing error, or to make arrangements for payment
the parent/guardian must contact the fiscal office of Columbia Child Development Program 570-784-8618.
6. If a child is terminated because of non-payment of fees, the full balance due must be paid in full before the
parent/guardian can reenroll the child(ren).
7. If terminated for delinquent fees, client is responsible for all costs associated with collection of said delinquent
8. Full tuition will be charged regardless of facility closures.
- A two-week written notice is required to withdraw a child from the program. The client is financially responsible for the weeks of care from the time of notice until the last day of service, regardless of the child's attendance during that period.
- If a two-week notice is not received, the client is financially responsible for the two-week period regardless of attendance, as well as any unpaid fees due at the time of withdrawal. The security deposit will be applied to the account as payment for the second week.
- Provided the notification requirements have been met, the initial deposit will be either applied to the last week of care or refunded.
- Any unpaid balance due to Columbia Child Development Program at the time of withdrawal or termination will be turned over to our collection agency after 45 days. The client is responsible for all fees associated with the collection of any unpaid balance.
For additional information, please click on the link below:
Child Care Services
Child Care News
Pre-Enrollment Form
Tuition Schedule
Child Care Benefits
Summer Adventure Camp
Child Care Forms
Parent Involvement
Child Care Services
Child Care News
Pre-Enrollment Form
Tuition Schedule
Child Care Benefits
Summer Adventure Camp
Child Care Forms
Parent Involvement